Living Photos
Glimpses into real life at the Living Way


September 21, 22, 23
    My prize winning entries
in the Exhibition Hall

My chioggia beets
placed third in the
beet category!


My dehydrated salad won
a Judges Award in the
dehydrated food category.
What a wonderful surprise!
The judges loved it!
click here for the recipe!

I displayed my red chard in a vase with a few zinnias and
the judges loved it so much that they reviewed it as a floral entry! My 'chard bouquet' won second place!

This was my first experience in exhibiting the fruit and vegetables that I grow in our organic garden. It was a blessing to see what others have grown around the state...many varieties that were proudly and lovingly displayed in celebration of the art of gardening. Viewing the hundreds of entries gave me pause for thought of how vast and wonderful is
Father's handiwork to create so many beautiful foods for us.
He is good!

"O Taste and see that YHVH is good;
Happy is the man who takes refuge in Him."
Psalm 34:8

