Pay Attention!

by Mary Louise';Town Jaqua, Health Minister


America is a sick nation!

In 1974, the U.S. Public Health Services noted that
only 3,000,000 out of 210,000,000 Americans
could be considered healthy (i.e., living disease-
free). Stated plainly, by U.S. Public Health Services
calculations, only 1.43% of all Americans were
completely healthy at that time! Compare this to
the long-living, who throughout their long life
experience complete health with only minor,
temporary episodes of illness (a broken limb, a
fleeting cold, mending a wound, etc...). In fact,
most long-living cultures have no physician or
hospital, just traditional methods of healing passed
down generationally through their family tree.

Approximate equivalent average annual income of
the long-living is just under $1,000 per year.

Approximate individual annual medical bill of
average American equals $8,100 per year as of

As of 2012, this trend in near total decay of
American health has only gotten worse as
reflected by dramatic escalations in chronic
degenerative diseases.  More specifically, the
current trend as of 2007 reveals that over

  • 165 million Americans never engage in physical activity lasting more than 10 minutes
  • 99 million Americans are physically inactive
  • Approximately 45 million Americans are functionally impaired or suffer at least one physical difficulty.
  • 105 million are overweight.
  • 81 million are obese.
  • 186 million are unfit and therefore risk premature death.
  • In 2012 81% or 243 million Americans saw a physician, which in turn contributed to 571 million work-loss days
  • 84 million suffer lower back pain
  • 84 million suffer chronic joint pains
  • 72 million have hypertension
  • 66 million have arthritis
  • 62 million are smokers
  • 50 million experience nervousness or anxiety
  • 48 million suffer migraines
  • 45 million have hearing problems
  • 30 million suffer heart disease
  • 30 million Americans have symptoms of depression (sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, or doing
    anything is an effort)
  • 28 million have vision problems
  • 27 million have diabetes
  • 24 million have lost their teeth
  • 24 million have ulcers
  • 24 million have asthma
  • 18 million have cancer
  • 6 million have emphysema
  • 6 million have kidney disease
  • 3 million have liver disease.

    Americans rank 31st in the world for life expectancy, suffer the 3rd highest cancer rate among all countries, and rank behind no less than 40 countries that have lower infant mortality rates.


Do you know?

  • Most physical problems are nutritionally-based,
    i.e. the result of poor diet.
  • Most medical doctors are not schooled in nutrition.
  • More Americans die annually at the hands of medical professionals (doctors) than in automobile accidents.
  • Refined white sugar, white flour, and table salt are processed with chemicals that are both carcinogenic
    and neuro-toxic.
  • Processed, cooked, and animal-based foods are acidic
    to the body.
  • Cooked food has little to no nutrition.
  • Over 90% of the food in supermarkets is genetically modified.
  • One teaspoon of refined sugar suppresses the immune system for 6 hrs.
  • Aspartame and MSG food additives are known poisons.
  • All pharmaceutical drugs cause constipation and are toxic
    to the body, especially the liver.
  • More people die from the effects of chemotherapy than from their cancer.
  • Most behavioral problems are the result of poor diet.
  • On a plant-based diet, the risk of heart disease and cancer drops to zero.
  • The word ‘pharmacy’ is derived from the Greek word, ‘pharmakeia’ which means ‘sorcery.’
  • Vaccinations are a form of genocide
  • Processed chocolate contains rat poison and other toxic chemicals.
  • Caffeine is classified as a drug by the FDA.
  • Consuming 8oz of an alcoholic beverage kills 100,000
    brain cells that cannot be replicated.
  • The average can of soda pop contains eleven teaspoons
    of sugar.
  • Seventy to eighty percent of Americans are constipated because they eat a fiberless diet that consists of refined foods (white flour, white flour products, refined sugar, and table salt).
  • One of the leading causes of diabetes and osteoporosis
    is the consumption of dairy products.
  • Most Americans are malnourished, oxygen-starved, and
  • Most Americans would rather be sick and die than change their diets.
  • More Americans die annually from the Standard American Diet than in automobile accidents.

You don't have to be sick!
Given a living foods diet, the body will
heal itself and become strong
and healthy!

"Disease [is] not an entity, but a fluctuating condition
of the patient's body, a battle between the substance
of disease and the natural self-healing tendency of
the body."


Credits and resources:

Dr. John Apsley- America is a Sick Nation

Rating the Energy in Your Food

Bill Gates: Vaccines and health care can be used
to reduce the population;

Bill Gates demands 95% population reduction,
control of big pharma, forced vaccinations

Learn about living foods and the Hallelujah lifestyle here

Download the Hallelujah Diet

How to start the diet

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