Eating Clean
Part 2 by Mary Louise:Town Jaqua, Health Minister- 5/5/19

There is a growing awareness that dietary choices have a direct
impact on personal health: good food supports wellness, while
bad food causes sickness, pain, and disease. This being true,
for the sake of vibrant health it is important if not imperative to
distinguish good from bad food!

In Eating Clean- Part 1 foods were identified as being good or bad
according to their cleanliness, namely how close they are in relation
to their natural form. Foods as they occur in nature are considered
clean, safe, and healthy to eat because they work in harmony with
the body, but certain natural and unnatural foods are classified as
unclean, unsafe, and therefore unhealthy to eat because they have
an adverse effect on the body.

Eating clean thus embraces the concept that consuming clean,
whole foods as close to nature as possible is the key to achieving
a healthy, happy, long life. This eating style eschews all unclean
foods, especially those that are refined or processed because
they contain unnatural additives and preservatives that harm the
body. In theory, eating clean is considered to be the ultimate
eating experience since it balances and thus benefits man's
well being and environment.

Allowing for the many health benefits of eating clean, this dietary
style is becoming increasingly popular in a world that begs relief
from the overwhelming scourge of human suffering in the form
of sickness, pain, and disease. Studies as well as personal
testimonies confirm that eating clean not only resolve numerous
health problems but also prevent them.

Eating Clean: How to start

  • Eat more clean foods- greens, vegetables, fruit, seeds,
    nuts, and whole grains. For maximum nutrition, eat them
    in their natural, raw state by incorporating them into
    smoothies, salads, entrees, desserts, snacks, etc.
  • Eat organic foods- foods grown as naturally as possible
    have more nutritional value. Organic produce in stores has
    a PLU# sticker that begins with 9.
  • Eat more plant-based proteins such as dark, leafy greens,
    beans, lentils and peas. Add high-protein whole grains, like
    quinoa, barley, and buckwheat to your diet. For maximum
    nutrition, eat grains sprouted.
  • Eat less ( or preferrably eliminate) processed or refined
    Processing foods compromises nutritional value, since
    they are no longer whole but fragmented.
  • Eat for nourishment. Choose foods for their nutrient content
    rather than to satisfy old eating habits or go along with social
  • Eat regular, balanced meals and healthy snacks. Become
    disciplined in your approach to eating by making healthier food
    choices. Eat at home more often and prepare food in healthy
    ways. Pack food to eat when traveling, at work or at activities.
    When eating out, be discriminating.
  • Clean up your life. Adopt a cleaner lifestyle by getting plenty
    of daily physical exercise and a good night's sleep. Manage
    stress in healthy ways. Connect with people who have a
    positive outlook on life and build naturally healthy relationships

Eating clean: what to avoid

  • Avoid commercially-grown produce (PLU# sticker beginning
    with 4) since they contain chemical residues from fertilizers,
    pesticides, and herbicides which harm the body.
  • Avoid genetically modified foods- identified by PLU#
    beginning with 8
  • Avoid irradiated foods for they have been exposed to radiation.
  • Eat foods that do not contain preservatives and additives.
    Foods packaged in boxes, bags, cans or bottles, generally
    contain chemical substances to enhance flavor and prolong
    shelf-life which harm the body. Be discriminating in making food
    choices by reading product labels.
  • Avoid 'junk' food.
  • Avoid processed oils- canola, vegetable, corn, cottonseed oil
  • Avoid foods sacrificed to idols. Many restaurants and markets
    (especially those foreign-owned) offer foods that have been
    'blessed' by pagan deities. In YHVH's eyes such foods are cursed.

Eating clean: the sanitation factor
When it comes to food safety and quality, America has historically
led the way with a high standard for cleanliness in its agricultural
industry. Thus it is no wonder that the USA been called the bread
basket of the world,
for America's success as a food producer is
attributed in part to having superior agricultural and sanitation
practices both in and out of the field. These practices have been
in place for many years and have been passed down through
generations in order to ensure the best and safest food quality
possible. However, with rising food production costs and the
opening of the global food market the issue of food safety has
arisen. In an effort to cut costs and compete globally, many
American farmers have been relaxing their sanitation practices.
Furthermore, food sanitation standards vary globally, since many
countries do not having the same food production practices as
America. Hence, the issue of food safety has become a hot topic
if not a political football that is being bounced between farmers,
food merchants, and consumers- the consumer often being the
loser in this great global food game.

The result of this battle is a compromised food supply that puts
the well being of the average American at risk. While there is a
certain advantage to importing foods, especially in off season,
these foods may well have been grown in substandard conditions,
i.e. with human waste, fertilizers and/or pesticides that are banned
the USA, and preservative sprays or poor sanitation practices by crop
harvestors and packagers. Likewise foreign food shipments have
been known to arrive in the US with insect infestations and poisonous

While these occurrences are not necessarily commonplace, they are
unfortunate and spell potential harm for the consumer. Nevertheless,
it is sad but true that the food safety/cleanliness issue is not solely a
foreign one.

It goes without saying that food which is grown, harvested, and packed
for market should be done so under sanitary conditions, for it will then
be safe to eat. To experience the cleanest, safest eating experience,
consider taking the following precautions.

  1. Wash all produce with a non-toxic vegetable wash before
    preparing and eating it. Do not trust produce labeled 'pre-washed.'
  2. Know your food source. Investigate local food stores, brands,
    and on-line merchants to determine quality of food products,
    i.e. place/country of origin, organic or non-organic status, etc.
    Use caution when shopping, for not all food labeled 'organic'
    is in fact organic.
  3. Shop local farmers' markets. Locally-sourced foods are
    fresher and are more nutritionally sound than foods trucked from
    away. Most food offered at these markets is organic.
  4. Find a farmer. Search for a reputable, organic farmer in your area
    who can accommodate your dietary needs. Investigate growing
    practices, prices, and availability. Beware of farmers who claim to
    be organic but in fact are not, since some clandestinely use human
    waste/sludge or commercial fertilizers, pesticides, etc. on their crops.
  5. Grow your own food. The best source of clean, safe food is
    that which is home grown. A backyard garden space or a container
    garden are convenient, cost-effective ways to have clean, safe
    food on your table. Gardening also pays great dividends in that it
    nourishes both body and spirit.

For those who have yet to graduate from eating animal-based foods
in favor of YHVH's original plant-based diet, the following is recommended:

  1. Know your food source. Investigate how animals are raised,
    slaughtered, packaged, and marketed. If possible, visit local
    farms for an up-close, hands-on inspection.
  2. Only buy organic, grass-fed, and free range products.
  3. Only eat clean meats as defined in scripture. The most
    unclean/unhealthy (and sadly most popular) meats consumed
    in America are pork and seafood/shellfish (crab, lobster, shrimp,
    etc.). These food products come from creatures that are
    scavangers (garbage collectors) that have no filtration or
    elimination systems. Their meat thus harbors high levels of
    chemical residues, parasites, and disease.

Eating clean is more than a diet, it is a lifestyle that has been
practiced for centuries by many cultures throughout the world.
The fact that this way of eating is now gaining popularity in America
is evidence of a growing awareness that food choices determine
quality of life. The renew interest in eating clean is perhaps a
natural response of Americans to find a better quality of life, one
that is free from the commonplace scourges of sickness, pain,
and disease.

If we are to survive individually and corporately, we must reeducate
ourselves and redefine what food is and what it is not, what is healthy
and what is unhealthy, what is clean and what is unclean. In the final
analysis, we must turn away from dietary and lifestyle elements that
prove to be destructive and start reconstructing our lives according
to the natural laws of the universe so that we can be healthy (whole)

Eating clean affirms one's personal resolve to live healthy and be
in harmony with the EVER-LIVING and His world. While this concept
is both ancient and sound but has largely been overlooked if not
forgotten in the modern world, it is now making a come-back, proving
in the end that YHVH Almighty, Who created the worlds and custom-
made foods for our wellbeing, knows best.

Then the Ever-Living said, "I give you every
seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth
and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They
will be yours for food.- Genesis 1:29 (NIV)

Wherefore come out from among them, and be
separate, saith YHVH, and touch not the unclean
thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father
unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters,
saith YHVH Almighty. - 2 Corinthians 6:17,18



References and Resources

What You Lose by Choosing Organic

Eating Clean Propaganda

Poor Diet Kills 20% of the Population

Coagulating, Toxic Canola Oil Labeling Trick Explained

New GMOs Flooding the Natural Market

Think Twice before Eating that Ham Sandwich or Triple Meat Pizza

NOTE: Scripture states that John the Baptist ate locusts and
honey (Matthew 3:4). Whereas locusts are clean creatures and
edible under YHVH's dietary laws (Leviticus 11:22), most likely
John did not eat locusts per se but the fruit of the locust tree
which is carob. Carob is bitter in taste, similar to cacao (chocolate).
Combining it with honey would make it more palatable. Either way,
John ate clean.


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