

Perma links:

  • Mission Accomplished: Military Report From 1996 "Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025" - Is Spraying Poison In The Air For Military Advantage A Good Idea? here

  • Geoengineering: List of weather modification patents 1920-2018 here



  • Maine attorney general opens lawsuit against Monsanto over PCB chemicals here
  • White Farmers Matter! here
  • China is Buying U.S. Food Suppy Chain here
  • Warning signs on 5G Towers here
  • Commercial Pilot reveals the truth behind Chemtrails - Dr David Cartland here
  • American Food Is POISONING Us, Calorie Intake Has Remained Constant But Obesity Has SKYROCKETED here









  • Sam's Club will soon stop checking receipts at the door here









  • ENERGY STAR appliance program EXPOSED as massive pay-to-play scheme tied to the UN here

  • Nikola Tesla Greatest Secret | Uncovering The “Free Energy Device” here



  • World War III will be the excuse for extreme FOOD RATIONING across America here
  • WEF To Stage Water Crisis to Establish Global Control here
  • Blue Light Is Causing Blindness here

  • 14 U.S Cities Planning to Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030 here
  • “Shocking Display Of Overreach”: U.S. Government Raids Amish Farm And Seizes His Property here
  • Lahaina Incineration Is Deadly Weather Warfare here
  • Are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) Causing Gender Dysphoria? Let's Look At The Evidence and more... here
  • Kansas Wheat Harvest Will Be The Smallest Since 1957 And U.S. Corn Is Being Absolutely Devastated By Drought here
  • Here's What You're Really Eating When You Eat Cool Whip here
  • Evidence found of electromagnetic fields from electrical towers here
  • Bill Gates Owns Synthetic Fruit Coating — What’s in It? here
  • New study reveals widespread presence of environmental DNA in the sky, including allergens and pathogens here
  • NaturalNews: "Fast-food employees already being replaced by AI chatbots" here
  •  Beware of Toxic Chocolate: Heavy Metals Found in Major Brand Names
  • NETHERLANDS - Mark Rutte PM, Says Food will Come From 4 Global Food Hubs - World Corp will Put Small Farmers Out of Business here
  • Beware of Toxic Chocolate: Heavy Metals Found in Major Brand Names




  • The Great Australian Bee Massacre: Government KILLS 500 Million Bees & POISONS Untold More In Wild here



  • Farmer Explains Why California Flushes 95% Rainwater to Ocean here

  • Mexico Battles U.S. Government and “Mr. Monsanto” to Protect Food Sovereignty here
  • Americans eat long list of food banned in other countries here

  • TOXIC GROCERY WARNING: 75 percent of fresh (non-organic) produce grown in the USA found to contain toxic pesticide residue 
    • WHOLE FOODS store(s) in the US has set up e-gates and you need a QR code to get in to BUY YOUR FOOD here

  • ‘You can’t go to the beach’: Toxic red tide is back to Florida’s gulf coast with thousands of dead fish covering water and beaches 
  • Powerful eruption of Indonesia’s Merapi volcano covers villages in ash – Risk of volcanic mudflows 
  • Doug Casey on '15-Minute Cities' and Penning You In for the Next Lockdown and will allow for total surveillance and control of people’s lives, as governments will inevitably pair them with an ESG social credit system and central bank digital currencies. 
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    • The US MEAT SUPPLY will soon be widely infected with mRNA spike protein bioweapons here


  • Kroger Shoppers Call Out Shortages: 'A Lot of Empty Shelves':During a visit to the store's dairy cases,it also became clear that another kitchen staple was hard to come by as three shelves in a cooler case dedicated to eggs sat bare. 
  • Reader Images Show Shortages In 2023 Will Be Worse Than Originally Reported! 10 Big Chain Grocery Stores Disappearing As NYC & CA Offers A Warning To The Rest Of America 
  • Aldi Reports That Prices Of Thousand Of Grocery Items Will Double In 2023:Milk and dairy are among the items that have faced the fastest price spikes, Yahoo reports. In the past two weeks, milk prices shot up by 20% at the supermarket chain. 
  • Supply Chain Shortages Will Trigger Panic At Stores This Winter As People Rush To Hoard Essentials:Shoppers are having to check different stores for particular goods, but still, most of the time they’re unable to get what they want.
  • Food Products Getting More Expensive In The Months Ahead: Tyson Foods, Conagra, and other meat processors have actually notified their retail customers in recent weeks that they will hike prices in January for frozen and refrigerated meats. 
  • ________________________________________________________________________

    • Government CAUGHT POISONING Water Supply! Is This The Cause Of Mass Deaths, Infertility & Cancers?! here
    • They Weaponized the Food Supply Against You | Even “Healthy” Food was Never Healthy here
    • . Shocking News About Beans, Peas and Potatoes here


    • Marjory Wildcraft warns Mike Adams about coming food scarcity, empty shelves and global famine here

    • Food Supply Shutdown: Deer, fish, pigs euthanized; crops not planted. Ice Age Farmer (Video 21.44 Minutes) see it here


